Reading Group for Deep Green Resistance forming in Seattle

Reading Group for Deep Green Resistance forming in SeattleHave you read, or wanted to read, Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet? For those grappling with the tough questions of how to win battles for social and environmental justice, it’s necessary reading that explores strategy, tactics, movement history, and what might be effective for our movement to win.

With that in mind, DGR Seattle is forming a book group. While the plan is still being finalized, the first gathering will take place on August 23rd, from 3-5pm, in the U-District. It will be an informal gathering to discuss the strategies and ideas in the book with a focus on bringing these strategies to bear on the front lines.ow

If you are interested in joining, please send an email to with the following information:

– Your name and the best way to contact you
– How you learned about DGR
– Why you wish to join the book group
– A very brief description of your politics on feminist, anti-racist, and environmental issues

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2 Responses to Reading Group for Deep Green Resistance forming in Seattle

  1. Mark Lindstrom says:

    Just stumbled on your site when researching Cliff Mass. I read his book and didn’t realize he is in the climate denial camp. I’d like to read your Deep Green book. Where can I purchase it? And how can I support your efforts? I have some background with the issues. Mark 425-417-6460 (okay to publish)

  2. Deep Green Resistance Seattle says:

    Hi Mark, we’ll get in touch with you directly, but also the book can be purchased here: Other pages on our website there have more info about getting involved. Talk to you shortly.

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