Friday: Breach the Lower Snake River Dams

On Friday, November 16 at 2 pm Pacific Time, a group will be presenting the Governor at the State Capitol in Olympia with a demand to remove the lower Snake River dams immediately.

Event details:

The Southern Residents need you !!!! Now more then ever.

The Orca Task force’s preliminary recommendations do not include Breaching the LOWER 4 DAMS ON THE SNAKE RIVER. It is our position that these Dams need to be breached ASAP using the 2002 EIS, OPTION #4.

We hope beyond hope the breaching of the 4 LSRDs in first months of 2019 will be at the top of the list of recommendations (due that day, November 16th). If not, we will be poised to respond and remind Governor Inslee, as well as the world, exactly what 74 starving Orcas look like & that the breaching of the dams is the most impactful action to be taken for lasting salmon recovery. Please join us to hold an Orca representing one of the #74remaining Southern Resident Killer Whales. We will assemble on the steps of the Temple of Justice building at The Washington State Capital in Olympia. If you aren’t interested in holding an Orca please come with with your own signs & show your support for the Southern Resident Killer Whales. This will be a powerful Demonstration with speakers, Visuals & Native Voices. If you are interested in holding one of the Southern Residents, PLEASE POST IN THE EVENT BELOW and be prepared to arrive 1 hour early. THANK YOU!!!!!


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