Secwepemc Women Warriors Against Imperial Metals


An update for Secwepemc Women Warriors Against Imperial Metals at
On the 20th day after the Imperial Metals Mount Polley disaster and the 7th day of the sacred fire, camp members are treated to a very special feast. The day was spent preparing, feasting and reuniting with family and loved ones. Elder Jean Williams from Soda Creek brought a spring salmon from Nuxalk, potatoes and corn and proceeded to instruct camp members on the traditional way of cooking salmon. The food was cooked over a newly finished food pit and was more than enough for camp members and visitors.

Evelyn Camille, Gary Billy, Stewart Dick arrived in time to eat with us from Kamloops and Neskonlith. The meal was delicious and filled our bellies full. While we ate, we discussed with our new arrivals the information we had collected and made plans with them to move forward. We decided to announce a community feast for this Thursday and invite Likely residents as well as Secwepemc to gather around the fire to do the same thing we did today. We have fish and food to share.

We are gathering our data on the spill and after speaking with, among others, an environmental technician working at the lake, are anxious to release a report this week on all that we’ve learned.

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