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Spokane Moves to Ban Oil Trains and Legalize Direct Action Against Fossil Fuels

ACTION ALERT Direct Action Spokane Initiative Banning Coal and Oil Trains Through Spokane Background: On Friday, June 10th, Gunnar Holmquist, M.D. filed an initiative with the Spokane City Clerk which seeks to ban the transportation of crude oil and coal … Continue reading

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The Climate Movement is Failing. Here are Two Models to Turn the Tide.

The great musician Lauren Hill once said, “Fantasy is what people want but reality is what they need.” And the reality is that the climate movement is failing. See this graph? That’s a measure of carbon dioxide levels in the … Continue reading

Posted in Lobbying, Property & Material Destruction, Strategy & Analysis | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Sacred Mountain near Columbia River Threatened

From the website Roundhouse Talk: Tucked within the 1,000-page defense bill passed by the Senate last week is a provision that would open the summit of Rattlesnake Mountain — a site considered sacred by members of the Yakama Nation — … Continue reading

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